Monday, March 21, 2011

Getting started

So, last week, Thursday (I think) I had a scheduled/impromptu meeting with Business Development rep. needless to say, our business plans are being drawn up; including international distribution! To say that we're excited isn't nearly as descriptive as we could be right now!

I repeat, we are enjoying this entire process immensely!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

This publishing thing...

Entry one:

We are now ready to publish!!! Only thing is, we're not trying to reinvent the wheel yet, everyone we speak speak to tells us something different! It's crazy! It feels as though no single PUBLISHED person can recall the journey they traveled. What gives? Is there a "NO TELLING WHAT YOU KNOW RULE" that we're not privileged to know about? LOL

No,'s just a matter of time and when it does happen, We're telling anyone that asks!!!